Quality Policy

Stable Engineering Services is committed to implementing the quality principals and procedures outlined in our documented quality management system that is structured on the requirements of AS ISO 9001.

This commitment is based upon our ability to understand the needs and expectations of our customers, our motivation to improve the processes capable of meeting those needs and expectations, and our creativity in capturing our superior level of service to meet the future needs and expectations of all our stakeholders.

The quality objectives are derived from the Business Plan communicated via Stable Engineering Services Quality Management System, which is available to all employees.

Occupational Health and
Safety Policy

Stable Engineering Services recognizes it’s legal and moral obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace to its employees and the community and is committed to implementing and maintaining high levels of occupational health and safety practices.

Employer’s Health and Safety Obligations:

It is the responsibility of management to:
• Maintain a safe working environment for all employees under the OH&S Act 2004.
• Inform, train and supervise employees to ensure that they can work safely and without health risks.
• Facilitate the appointment of OH&S representatives – management representatives nominated by management, employee representatives by co-workers.
• Consult with employees on matters that may directly affect their health, safety or welfare. Where the employees are represented by a health and safety representative (HSR), the HSR must also be involved in the consultation
• Give OH&S representatives paid time off work to perform their duties and to attend OH&S training approved or run by Workcover.
• Notify Workcover immediately of any workplace death or serious injury, or any incident that could have caused death or serious injury.
• Not interfere with the scene of a workplace death (except to help an injured person, to protect someone whose health and safety is at risk, or to prevent further injury).

Employee’s Health and Safety Obligations:

It is the responsibility of employees to:
• Comply with health and safety policy and procedures under the OH&S Act 2004;
• Follow reasonable instructions that management gives on health and safety;
• Use equipment provided to protect health and safety;
• Ensure that you are not affected by alcohol or another drug that may endanger yourself and others.
• Report potential or actual hazards, accidents, injuries or incidents

Environmental Policy

The policy of Stable Australia Pty Ltd is that appropriate environmental safeguards are to be observed at all times with respect to discharges to the workplace and the external environment.


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discharge licence conditions are to be adhered to, and wherever economically possible, improved upon.


Wherever possible materials will be recycled and profitably disposed of in accordance with regulations and good practice.

Pollutant Types and Sources

Personnel are to be made aware of main pollutants and are to take measures to control
• Process vapours – welding fume, cleaning fluids, process liquids
• Solid waste – used flux, packaging (Note: wherever possible drums should be returned to the supplier and any financial deposit credited)
• Metal scrap – machining swarf and off-cuts, electrode stubs
• Liquid waste – basic treatment, waste removal (Note: EPA and Water Board legal restrictions)
• Noise & vibration – due to hammering, arc-gouging, grinding, etc.
• Gas emissions – preheat and heat treatments
• Hazardous areas – restricted access (Note: consider technically acceptable alternative process)

Energy Conservation

Personnel are to conserve energy and gas usage as far as practical to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Further to the above policy Stable Australia Pty Ltd will undertake to comply with each individual site’s policy with regard to the environment and specific job requirements prior to commencement of a job.